Upcoming Zion events.

Lake County Joy Summit
Join us for a transformative day of inspiration, connection, and joy! We’re bringing together community members from a variety of backgrounds and sectors who are looking to amplify joy in their personal and professional lives.
“Continuing education credits available for nursing, social worker, and those in the educational sector”. CEUs for other health professionals may be available, just ask!.

Zion City Council Meeting
Zion City Council Meeting at City Hall, City Council Chambers

Santa Arrives
Zion Historical Society: Santa Arrives @ 3PM - 1300 Shiloh Blvd, Zion IL 60099

Zion-Benton Public Library Board Meeting
Do you have questions about what’s going on at the Library? We look forward to hearing from you.

Rep. Joyce Mason (Office Staff)
A staff from State Representative Joyce Mason’s office will be at the Library if you have any questions.

Zion Park District Board Meeting
Zion Park District Board Meeting at the Zion Park District Leisure Center 2400 Dowie Memorial Drive

Il Senator Mary Edly-Allen(Office Staff)
Zion-Benton Public Library: A staff from Senator Mary Edly-Allen’s office will be at Zion-Benton Public Library 2400 Gabriel, Zion 10:00AM – 12:00PM

Illinois Beach Sunrise Rotary Club
Weekly meetings at New Tech Campus
For more information: Facebook@illinoisbeachsunriserotary

Seed Library
Seed Library: At Zion-Benton Public Library 2400 Gabriel Ave., Zion 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Monthly Meeting

Zion-Benton Twp. H.S. Dist. 126 Board Meeting
Join us for our monthly board meeting to learn more and find out ways to be part of our community.

Zion City Council Meeting
Zion City Council Meeting at City Hall, City Council Chambers

Kiwanis Meeting
Weekly at El Lago Restaurant
For more information: Facebook@zbkiwanis or http://zbkiwanis.org

Zion Area Exchange Club
Zion Area Exchange Club meeting 1st and 3rd Monday’s
1st Monday is a Zoom meeting
3rd Monday held at Stone Creek, Winthrop Harbor

Turkey Throw Shoot
Turkey Throw Shoot: Are you an ace when it comes to shooting hoops? Test your skills and accuracy in a basketball FREE throw competition. At Leisure Center Sports Arena 2400 Dowie Memorial Dr., Noon – 2:00 PM (FREE ADMISSION)

Holiday Craft and Vendor Fair
Zion Historical Society: Holiday Craft and Vendor Fair 9AM – 3PM at Shiloh House 1300 Shiloh Blvd, Zion call 847-746-2427 to register

Illinois Beach Sunrise Rotary Club
Weekly meetings at New Tech Campus
For more information: Facebook@illinoisbeachsunriserotary

Rep. Joyce Mason (Office Staff)
A staff from State Representative Joyce Mason’s office will be at the Library if you have any questions.

Illinois Dunesland Garden Club
Illinois Dunesland Garden Club meeting at Zion Benton Public Library, Room A & B. For more information: Facebook@IllinoisDuneslandGardenClub

Kiwanis Meeting
Weekly at El Lago Restaurant
For more information: Facebook@zbkiwanis or http://zbkiwanis.org

Dist. 6 Board Meeting
Zion Elementary School Dist. 6 Board Meeting at the Administrative Office.

19th Annual Corporate Adult Community - Spelling Bee
Leading our community in a collaborative effort to improve identified health, wellness and social issues.
Contact infor@zbchc.com to be added to the distribution list.

Illinois Beach Sunrise Rotary Club
Weekly meetings at New Tech Campus
For more information: Facebook@illinoisbeachsunriserotary

Art Adventures with Phyllis
Zion-Benton Public Library: Art Adventures with Phyllis: 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

ZB Community Hub
Community Hub: Join different organizations and received resource information and giveaways. 1:30PM – 4:30PM at Zion Benton Public Library 2400 Gabriel Ave. Zion

Zion City Council Meeting
Zion City Council Meeting at City Hall, City Council Chambers